Area of Concentration: Teaching, Learning, and Training of Science and Mathematics Teachers
Research Line:
Science and Mathematics Teaching and Learning for Citizenship Education
In this research line, there are projects of studies, research and development of educational processes or products with a view to science and mathematics education in tune, in theoretical and practical terms, with the formation for citizenship, such as, PER, Scientific school research, PBL, CTS, among other approaches. In this sense, it is also concerned with scientific and technological literacy.
Research Line:
Teacher Training for Science and Mathematics Teaching
This research line includes research projects and development of educational processes or products on or for the training of teachers of basic education and research on their own practice. There are also research and development of instruments for recording and analyzing discourses and interaction in class, both scientifically and pedagogically, manifested by teachers and students, the construction of explanations and arguments in science and math classes; writing and reading in science and mathematics and teaching knowledge related to specific contents.